CPU temperature watching, quiet computers and box design

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:11:07 UTC 2007

On 3/9/07, Donn <donn.ingle at gmail.com> wrote:
> > PS The key to my computer was hanging the HD with my wife's cloth
> > covered hair rubber bands in the DVD section of the box.
> What a brilliant idea!
> /d

Thank you! I am really happy to get to share something like this.
Noise makes me tired and stopping it is a good thing in my world.

If you think about it, taking a small vibrating device and bolting it
to a big piece of sheet-metal is the same design as a speaker.
Decoupling your HD from your box it the way to go. My system went from
being able to hear every seek from the other side of the house to
having to put your head down by the box and listen hard in a quiet
room to hear it. All for the cost of 2 hair thingies.

Would love to know if and how well this works for others. Seems to me
that every box maker would use something like this. It is easy and
cheep. You cut out the small hanger box (thus saving the money of
making 2 parts" and just make the box with one bigger DVD hanger
section and then give out little rubber hangers for the HDs. Or Why
not just hang everything. Seems to me that the box would cost less to
make and would be lighter for shipping. The boxes seem to be made with
the idea that customers play football with them. These are lot
laptops. I bet the average person only moves their computer to fix it
and that is all. Maybe it is for shipping them assembled through the
mail that they are made like tanks on the inside?

If anyone gets rich off this idea please send me some cash too! LOL, no really!


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