CPU temperature watching

Ron Morse rbmorse at comcast.net
Thu Mar 8 20:06:21 UTC 2007

On Thursday 08 March 2007 12:37:23 pm Donn wrote:
> So, what's the best way to see the CPU temp and get alerts and
> whatnot? I know zippo about this topic. I have found two candidates
> lm-sensors and xmbmon, but that's just a quick apt-cache search.
> /d

I've used Ksensors in the past.  It's a front end for lm-sensors so you 
need to install that, too.  

Configuring lm-sensors is non-trivial in some cases. I recommend 
spending some time with the documentation before trying to set it up.  
Once you get lm-sensors configured, you can just use apt-get or any 
other package manager to install ksensors. 

Ron Morse

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