Memory usage

Leonardo de Miranda Cabral leomcabral at
Wed Mar 7 01:02:51 UTC 2007

> _SNIP_
> Do you see that most of the RAM is used under "cached" ?
> That's the file cache, where often accessed files are stored in RAM,
> Take a look at my output of 'free -om':
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:    1511       1414        97            0           24            873
> Swap:   956           0           956
> See how over 800MB is used as cache, it's normal for most of your RAM to
> be cache, and it's actually a good thing to.
> It saves the system having to access the, relatively slow, disk to read
> some files.
> As soon as the system needs more memory, it will shrink the cache to
> free some.
> If you want to see how much of the RAM is used by applications, just
> take the cached amount from the used amount.
> So in your case, 761 MB - 659 MB = 102 MB used
> Tez

Thank for your explanation, I was worried about this memory usage.

Leonardo de Miranda Cabral

Espera Feliz - MG


msn: leo_m_c at
skype: leomcabral

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