Sound Crackling after installing Nvidia Drivers

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Tue Mar 6 11:03:23 UTC 2007

On Monday 05 March 2007 15:55, lanzen wrote:
> On 5/03/2007 at 17:02, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> > Anyone else have any ideas, or are there better sound drivers?  Or, am I
> > stuck with windows on any machine that has an HD sound card?
> HDA Nvidia? That's what I've got and, well yes, I have to turn manually the
> speakers down.

I found a way to avoid this.  You have to download, compile and install the 
latest version of alsa from their website, but it works.  I'll find the 
directions and post them later.  It didn't solve the poping and cracking but 
it did solve the headphones problem.

interestingly enough, I loaded up sidux, which is based on debian sid, and the 
sound works much better.  I still have some cracking in games, but ekiga 
appears to sound good now.  I'm not sure what those guys have done, but in 
Straight up Debian SID I wasn't able to print to my Brother printer, but with 
Sidux I can, so this distro may be hanging around for a while.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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