Internet access

roodzook roodzook at
Sun Mar 4 12:15:43 UTC 2007

> I've been using wireless access to internet through rausb0.
> Now I have the router in the room, next to my computer, and I tried to disable 
> wifi access and have it through eth0.
> I went to system configuration/network configuration and enabled eth0 and 
> dissabled rausb0. Both are configureg for DHCP.
> No matter what I do, I don't manage to have eth0 connecting to my service 
> provider (Broadband cable).
> And it's realy weird because before using wifi I was connected directly with 
> eth0 without any problem.
> Can someone help me through this?
try to get information from command line:
route -n
and check if the default gateway is going by eth0 interface

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