Kubuntu - AMD 64 bit installation newbness

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sun Mar 4 08:53:32 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>  > In Dapper:
>> linux-image-686.
>> All you have to do is:
>> sudo apt-get install linux-image-686
>> then reboot.  I think this is somehow obsoleted in future versions, but
>> it should still work, even if it may not really install an SMP kernel.
> Is there any official page for *buntu that clears up the smp question? 
> i.e. what kernel one can install on Dapper to take avantage of the 64bit 
> *and* the smp bit.

Don't know.

> Just to clear it up -- sorry if it's been answered already -- if I boot 
> off my old Dapper drive, apt-get install a new 64bit smp kernel 
> (assuming I get a package name), will I be able to use all the ALREADY 
> installed 32 bit apps like KDE etc on that new-fangled kernel?

Yes, I think (not tested), but you should use all 32-bit or all 64-bit;
otherwise you will have conflicts.

Matthew Flaschen

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