Acer Aspire 5101 Turion 64

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sat Mar 3 15:43:22 UTC 2007

Joan Tur wrote:
> Es Divendres, 2 de Març de 2007, en Nigel Ridley va escriure:
> | I checked on the web but couldn't find much in English :-( about installing
> | Linux on an Acer Aspire 5101 laptop (AMD Turion 64).
> |
> | Anybody had any joy in installing *ubuntu (or have any info about any Linux
> | distro) on this machine.
> At you'll find a few 51xx entries (5100, 5102 
> and 5112), that will probably match your hardware.
> Hope that helps  ;)
Thanks but I had already checked out what was there and, apart from a French 
'link' (which, as far as I could tell, had nothing to do with the Acer laptop) 
there wasn't any other useful information.
There was something on Linux Laptops [] installing Debian 
on an Acer Aspire 5102WLMi but the guy had some problems with sound and some other 
Another one 
[] couldn't 
even get any of the several distros that he tried to install.

So perhaps I will put up the extra cash and get a Lenevo - Kubuntu does install OK 
on them - yes?



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