Kubuntu - AMD 64 bit installation newbness

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sat Mar 3 02:40:14 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
> Hello all (take 2 - I'm new to Thunderbird),
> After my recent mother(ed)board meltdown, I have been forced to join the
> 21st Century and get new stuff. A friend helped me get the parts at just
> about cost, so that helped. Anyway, the thing: It's an AMD Athlon 64bit
> CPU (X2) and I have no idea how to .. well anything with 64 bit.
> 1. Can I boot off my previous machine's hard drive? It had Kubu Dapper
> i386 installed (assuming my drives didn't go bang too ...) Will the i386
> version run just like that? Do I have to do some BIOS footwork?

Yes, I think you can run the 386 version, but not with full performance.

> 2. If I decide to go for it and install a 64 bit Kubuntu, is it on the
> original Dapper install CD, or do I have to fetch a special .iso file?

No, there's a separate iso.  See http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/

> 3. Can I run 32bit apps from the repos?

You should try to use all 64-bit or 32-bit, I think.

 I mean I don't know how far the 64bit compiling has gone. Is KDE in a
64bit version,

Yes, everything's built for 64-bit.  See http://packages.ubuntu

Matthew Flaschen

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