now *that* is weird

anthony baldwin anthonybaldwin at
Thu Mar 1 19:24:07 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:

>>substances, and I've had to pee in a cup for 15 years in order to afford to 
>>support my computer habit.  :)
>Heh, you sell cups of pee for a living now? ;)
I´d like to get in on that racket.
Heck, I drink about 4 pots of coffee a day...I could make a fortune!


--------BEGIN GEEK CODE--------
Version: 3.1
GED/FA/H/L$ d-- s-:-- a C++ L+++ W++ w--- M PS++ PE-- PGP+ t+ tv-- b++++ G e++++ h---- r++++ y++++
--------END GEEK CODE----------

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