New kernel and nvidia on Dapper

Piero Ottuzzi piero.ottuzzi at
Thu Mar 1 15:34:11 UTC 2007

Hi Nigel,

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic

should be enough.


Alle 16:05, giovedì 1 marzo 2007, Nigel Ridley ha scritto:
> I saw an older thread about problems with the new kernel and nvidia under
> Dapper but deleted them as I thought that after a week or more the problems
> should have been fixed - NO!
> I did an update/upgrade a few days ago and only yesterday booted into the
> new kernel (we had a power outage) only to find that Xorg couldn't find the
> nvidia kernel module.
> Not much of a problem - I just rebooted into the previous kernel and
> everything is OK again.
> BUT why did apt let me know that there were dependency problems when
> upgrading? Isn't this the power of apt?
> Is there a solution to the new kernel and nvidia drivers yet or do I have
> to wait for another new kernel?
> I'm now kicking myself for deleting the thread :-(
> Blessings,
> Nigel
> --
> OliveRoot Ministries

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than someone who hasn't.
		-- Mark Twain
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