Very annoying kontact

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Thu Mar 1 09:30:41 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 27 February 2007 19:59, kubuntu-users-request at 
> Alain Muls wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I once tried out kontact but soonfaoiun dout that I preferred using
> > kmail/korganizer as stand alone application. But since I used kontact I
> > am no longer to separately launch korganizer or to have the kalermdaemon
> > open up the korganizer application. I tried many things, remove kontact,
> > remove kontactrc, remove korganizerrc etc but in vain, kontact will not
> > let go off the korganizer application. How to solve this?
> Purge kontact to remove it completely, and if needed, re-install
> kmail ,korganizer etc.
> However kmail etc will not appear in the menu without kontact so...
> copy the relevant .desktop files from /usr/share/kde/applications into
> ~/.local/share/applications. Then, in ~/etc edit each file and delete the
> last line which reads NoDisplay=true. This will then put kmail, korganizer
> etc back into your main menu.


I got the menu entries thanks for that. But I still have one big complaint. 
Before I ran kontact the first time, I could click on the korganizer reminder 
button which opened korganizer. Since the first startup of used kontact this 
does no longer work. SO my new question is, how to adapt the korganizer 
reminder button so that korganizer is opened (without kontact!!)


> Jim


Alain Muls                                               Tel +32.2.7426340
Royal Military Academy                          Fax +32.2.7426472
Dep CISS-ASGE                                 alain.muls at

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