Testing... and a question
D. Michael McIntyre
michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Jun 28 09:57:36 UTC 2007
On Thursday 28 June 2007, lanzen wrote:
> As you can see I'm also on GMail, but I _can_ see my posts. The trick is
> you'll have to use a different SMPT, not gmail's. That's what I'm doing.
Oh yeah, that's true. You can even set up your own SMTP if you're feeling
adventuresome. That was the recommended solution when I was having trouble
with this myself. But I am way too lazy to go to that much bother, and the
server I use now won't let me send anything that doesn't include the return
address for its own system.
Or something. It's been maybe a year since I fooled with any of this stuff.
You're correct in pointing out that the problem *can* be solved. I just
elected not to bother.
D. Michael McIntyre
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