Wireless printing

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Tue Jun 26 21:57:29 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 26 June 2007, Andrew M wrote:
> I'm considering getting a wireless printer (either the Brother L-2070N,
> Lexmark E120N, or HP LaserJet 1018).  The nicest feature about the
> Lexmark and Brother was that they both offer wireless printing.  But is
> the wireless printing option available for Kubuntu users?

I don't know anything about them, but I have a Brother network printer with a 
built-in print server.  I would expect, without knowing anything for sure, 
that the new wireless printers are probably similar to my print server, 
except with a wireless network interface built into the printer.  Wireless 
problems should be between the printer and the wireless router/hub, and since 
all of that stuff is primarily aimed at Windows, I wouldn't expect any 
compatibility problems.  As long as Linux can talk to the printer on the 
other end, I think it will be fine.

My own printer is hard wired to my wireless hub, so I can print to it 
wirelessly, even though there's that hard wire connection.  I can attest that 
this works very well, at least.

Sorry all I can offer is speculation, but if it were me shopping, I don't 
think I'd worry too much about this not being workable.

D. Michael McIntyre 

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