vim option

Jeremy Anderson jeremy at
Mon Jun 25 18:48:42 UTC 2007

On Monday 25 June 2007 13:30:43 adams wrote:
> Gang,
> I am looking for the option that allows me to start up
> editing in a previous file where I left off.
> I had this option by default on a previous distro that
> I was using for more than 6 years, but lost it when I
> switched to kubuntu 7.04.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm
> not going back regardless of the results of this question.
> Previously, when I did "vi filename" and I had worked on
> "filename" before vim would bring up the file and place
> the cursor at the last character position where I had
> left my work in progress.
> Possibly some one within this large group remembers
> how to do this.  The manual does not show me the option.
> I assume that there is some line in .vimrc, which by the
> way is missing in my home directory.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Chuck Adams, K7QO   k7qo at
>   personal web page
> Moving to Arizona?  Bring your own water.

I don't know the answer to this question but what I like to do is ctrl alt f2  
and use a seperate console for my vi.  That way if I have to restart the gdm 
or kdm I still have the console to go back to for changes.  If you are doing 
that you shouldn't have to get out of the file all the way as far as I know.  
So, write but don't quit.


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