When will 64bit be on equal par to 32bit

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Jun 21 22:51:02 UTC 2007

On Thursday 21 June 2007, Douglas Phillipson wrote:

> Has there been any discussions as to when 64 bit Linux will be
> predominant.  Is this a slow adoption thing or is there a actual date in
> mind?  I guess it has to happen before 2038 doesn't it?

The reason I don't bother with 64-bit is because of proprietary, closed-source 
add-on stuff that is reputedly a pain in the ass to get working on 64-bit.  
I've never even tried.  I really don't *need* 64-bit for anything, there's 
nothing tangible to gain, so why even take a chance on adding some new layer 
of irritation, just to say I'm using all my bits?  Bah.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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