
D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Wed Jun 20 15:44:15 UTC 2007

This looks like one of those odd differences between *ubuntu and
Mandriva, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

When I try to perform an SMB mount, I receive the following message:


[H:arris] mount n
smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)
smbmnt failed: 1


How do I fix this? I thought (wrongly) that performing a "chmod +x
/usr/bin/smbmount" was called for, but if I do that, I get this
message (which would be funny in other circumstances):


[H:arris] mount n
libsmb based programs must *NOT* be setuid root.
16617: Connection to skinner failed
SMB connection failed


So what do I need to do in order to be able to mount SMB shares as a
normal user?

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