installing program in kubuntu
Stew Schneider
stew.schneider at
Tue Jun 19 21:39:52 UTC 2007
Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Stew Schneider wrote:
>> What is the current position of the developers on Easyubuntu? I have two
>> non-profits that now decide they want to listen to music. For the life
>> of me I can't get Dapper to play tunes on either machine.
> What kind of formats do you want to play? If you install
> libxine-extracodecs that should let you play most formats (including
> proprietary ones) in Amarok.
> Matt Flaschen
I realized I was thread-jacking and posted a follow-up, viz.:
> I have two boxes at a non-profit. Neither will play music.
> Box #1 won't play a CD, but we do have sound otherwise
> Box #2 is completely mute. kmix from the console complains about not
> finding a device or not being able to open it. kmix also cannot find
> any valid mixers. alsamixer gives an open error. ls /dev/dsp gives
> nothing and neither does /dev/snd
> I'm almost certain I solved this one time, but don't recall how. Any
> hints?
It's embarrassing! Something as simple as playing a CD or music from the
net shouldn't involve this much tearing of garments.
I told them I'd install Feisty tomorrow, and that may resolve the
problem, but I sure had a red face today.
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