Larry Hartman
larryhartman50 at
Mon Jun 18 19:51:31 UTC 2007
This probably works with those non X200M cards.....the ATI driver that shipped
with Feisty caused some problems with my card. Kind of funny with ATI
drivers and this card. Most versions have taken me a step forward. Every
now and then a new version introduces a bug that the previous didn't have,
while fixing a bug the previous version had.
I must have looked at several dozen sites on ATI driver issues--including this
one. I bookmark each one I come across that offers anything of value. I can
live with the annoying bugs, nothing has been a show stopper yet.
On Monday 18 June 2007 10:16:32 am Joan Tur wrote:
> Es Dilluns, 18 de Juny de 2007, en Larry Hartman va escriure:
> | You will need to use either 1) the open source ATI driver that typically
> | comes with Linux, or 2) download and install the proprietary ATI driver
> | that ATI devs build...the latter option will require some steps.
> Sure? Have a look at the following Ubuntu help page:
> Hope that helps ;)
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