xorg not remembering display settings in kde

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at bellsouth.net
Sat Jun 16 11:52:02 UTC 2007

On Saturday 16 June 2007 07:38:08 am andrew wrote:
> I have this machine running with two users, myself with the kde
> desktop and principally using Kontact and Firefox, with my wife
> using gnome -evolution and firefox.
> The ubuntu gnome session starts and runs fine but the kubuntu session
> defaults to 800 by 600 with 60Hz refresh. I can easily fix the size
> with Display-System settings but there are ephemeral effects which
> show xorg coonfiguration isn't using the same settings in kubuntu
> (kde) as ubuntu(gnome) nor is it remembering them between settings
> (presumably because they are faulty).
> So how can I get the xorg configuration setting used by gnome into
> kde?
> Andrew Heggie

I think you will need to post the video driver/monitor/screen portions of 
your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get better insight of the situation.  Would help 
to know your video card and monitor hardware details....


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