Linux databases

Alexander Smirnov smirnoff at
Fri Jun 15 07:02:47 UTC 2007

On Monday 11 June 2007, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> In the old days using Windows I used to create databases for small
> companies, usually using Borland Paradox. This program worked very well
> for me. When I moved over to Linux some 6 years ago the one thing that
> was missing for me was the equivalent to Paradox (or even Access).
> I have looked around a bit recently, and the situation seems to be a
> little better. At the moment I am looking at Kexi, but that is still at
> an early stage of development.
> Does anyone out there have any recommendations or comments? For the
> moment I could do with a simple flat-file database which gives me some
> good facilities to control the output for printing. Relational databases
> can come later.
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