GDM seems to be running.

damian misc at
Sun Jun 10 08:01:41 UTC 2007

Thilo Six wrote:
> damian wrote the following on 09.06.2007 21:12
> <snip>
>>> $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
> <sbip>
>> What will that do?
>> Do I need to do it? What difference will I notice?
>> Cheers
>> Damian
> well it opens a dialogue that lets you choose which login manger you want to use.
> After that you will notice that your system will start the choosen (kdm?)
> login manager during bootup.
> kdm = kde login manager
> gdm = gnome login manager
Ah right, thanks for that.

Do you know of any web page that would show a comparison between the 
two? I'm nervous of changing things without good reason just because of 
how long it takes to fix when I break things.

I'm in 'xorg' hell at the moment trying to get my projector to work at a 
decent reolution. I don't want another headache :-)


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