HP DeskJet D1420 Setup Instructions

adams k7qo at commspeed.net
Sun Jun 10 04:27:02 UTC 2007

I bought the HP D1420 at Wal*Mart, a.k.a. Wally World,
weeks ago, but failed to get it to work.  Went on to
other printers and other successes.

This is the story of how I got the D1420 to work.
It was so cheap at Wally World and we'll see how
long they have them in stock, if they have not already
run out.  But many probably have them in a box or closet
any way.

1.  Kubuntu 7.04 with latest upgrades.  Should be no difference
    for Ubuntu 7.04.

    Connect and power up the printer to a USB port.

2.  Run

    from a Konsole window.  You should see something like

    Bus 001 Device 006: ID 03f0:7904  Hewlett-Packard

3.  Kmenu --> System --> HPLIP Toolbox

4.  You'll get an error window pop-up:

    No Installed HP Devices Found.

    Click on the   Setup Device...  button in the window.

5.  You'll get a password prompt for the sudo to run
    hp-setup -u

6.  HP Device Manager - Printer Setup Wizard window pops-up.

    Do note that the word Manager will be spelled incorrectly.

7.  Click on  Universal Serial Bus (USB)
    click on  Next

   Then an error window pops-up ---  No Devices Found
   click on   OK

8.  Click on  Find Manually...  button

9.  Enter the USB and ID numbers you got from the "lsusb" command
    in step 2.

    001:006     for my system

10. Click on   Find

11. You should then see something like

    HP Deskjet d1400 series with Serial Number and Device URI
    click on  Next

12.  You'll get another window for Select/Confirm PPD File


     click on   Next

13.  Enter Printer Info

     I just used   Deskjet for the printer name to make things simple.

     You'll note the Send test page to printer has an X for doing just

     click on   Next

14.  You'll get a   Printer Error message.  Printer is busy,
offline, ...

     click on   OK

15.  From a Konsole window,


     and you'll see nothing printed.

     lpstat -t

     should show scheduler is running but no system default destination.

16.  lpadmin -d Deskjet

     or your printer name instead of Deskjet.

17.  lpstat -t   
     will now show destination printer

18.  Send a test page with the following command

     enscript /etc/passwd

If I have done this correctly and the instructions worked you should 
be off and running with a cheap printer.

I have to later try out the refill kit that Wal*Mart also sells in
the same area as the printer cartridges.  It says that it will not
void the warranty, but if a problem occurs I'll see what Wal*Mart
does.......  Film at 11..

Print this email when you get it going so you'll have a record.


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