Xorg hanging problems

Brett A. Taylor brett at realbt.com
Thu Jun 7 02:47:14 UTC 2007

On Monday 04 June 2007 11:54:38 am Douglas Phillipson wrote:
> I've had problems with Xorg hanging and traced it to the font lines in
> Xorg.conf.  Check to see that the font directories listed there actually
> exist.  Once I resolved the font issue it stopped hanging completely.
> It would hang from OpenOffice just by pulling down a menu.

Interesting. I'm not sure this is causing the problem that we're experiencing. 
I'm using the standard template for xorg.conf as generated by dpkg. In 
particular, X doesn't hang when we perform a specific action.

I suppose we ought to try it though anyway. I'm curious as to what difference 
it would make and why there would be font paths there listed when they aren't 


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