Laptops with Linux - $150

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Fri Jul 27 21:28:37 UTC 2007

On Friday 27 July 2007, Pete wrote:

>  "Furthermore, until the initial run of orders has been fulfilled and
> received by the customers, any deposited funds for products en route will
> be held within the vendors account pending receipt from the buyer."
> Like I said yesterday..they will ship initial orders, get the money, then
> ship 5000 empty boxes and walk away !!

From 2CheckOut:

It has been theorized that the Medison business model may be a pyramid style 
operation where an initial customer base will receive their shipments, the 
funds from the units on the following tier used to pay for the loss on the 
first run of products. This would cause the customers from the final runs to 
go without a product when the buyer influx dies off. Buyers are protected 
from activity of this sort by our rolling reserve system, which holds back a 
scaling portion the suppliers profits for use in covering non-delivery of 
service. With a huge initial run that would lead to dwindling returns, the 
amassed funds from the larger order cycles would be sufficient to cover any 
losses that may be incurred from an inability to meet demand further along a 
receding cycle. Additionally, payment suspension can be immediately imposed 
in the case of an undesirable number of refund/non-delivery complaints.

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