From the Medisoncelebrity Yahoo group

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Jul 27 14:48:37 UTC 2007

Matthias Weber wrote:

> Stew Schneider wrote:
>> Knapp wrote:
>>>     That was translated?  It's still not readable english.
>>> I could read it.
>> So could I. Perfectly intelligible here.
> No problem for me either.

I could manage a sense, but it is far from "English".  Just two examples:

> * Isn't it strange that try to hide their troubles in the past on
> their homepage, that every company they have been either
> de-registered, liquidated (Translation?) or have been filed for
> bankruptcy, while they claim that everything have been 100%
> successful?

That is not, in any way, an English sentence.  I _think_ the implication is
that management is claiming a history of successes, while the writer was
accusing them of only being involved with failed companies, but that's far
from certain.

> * Isn't it strange that they write on their homepage that they plants
> in Brazil, and then deny it?

That's probably simply a missing verb, but it still isn't a sentence.

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