Kubuntu Amd64

Greg Booth bootgr at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 12:52:48 UTC 2007

On 7/24/07, FX Fraipont <fxfrpt at gmail.com> wrote:
> manchicken wrote:
> > On Monday 23 July 2007 15:33:34 Neil Winchurst wrote:
> >
> >> I see that Feisty is available as a version for AMD64 bit. Has anyone
> >> any experience with this please? Any advice gratefully received.
> >>
> >> Neil Winchurst
> >>
> >
> > I've been using amd64 builds of Kubuntu for some time now.  They work fine for
> > me.  The only trouble you have is with non-free garbage, and that's easily
> > worked out with the ia32-libs package.  I've got Firefox installed in both a
> > 64 and 32-bit version, so I can run Flash and Java plugins for Firefox32.
> > I've never used Acroread (with kpdf, I see no point in running such filth),
> > so I can't speak to that.
> This is plain ridiculous.
> I get my bank statements in pdf form.
> 1. With kpdf or ghostscript, the only thing you can do is print the
> file, there is no save option.
> 2. With kpdf or ghostscript there is no possibility of searching the
> pdf, which is absolutely vital for me professionaly.
> I've been using various types of linux distros for the years exclusively
> for 10 years, but it's childish to call every commercial software
> "filth", particularly when it provides indispensable functionality for you.
> And remember Adobe gives Acrobat Reader for free, you don't even have to
> pay for it.
> fx

It's free as in beer, not free as in speech.

The second one is what most of the Open Source movement is about. Open
Source means you can take it and do pretty much anything you want with
the code, except close the source and charge money for it.

For most around here it's a VERY touchy subject.


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