mem sticks: how to force sync mounts?

Dexter Filmore Dexter.Filmore at
Tue Jul 17 13:29:36 UTC 2007

> The normal behaviour of KDE is to put a icon on the decktop for any
> removable device (IIRC this is settable within the system settings
> tool), and right-clicking on that brings up a menu that includes "Safely
> remove", and when the device is synced the icon vanishes -- fine for
> memory sticks etc though I have had some odd problems with removable
> hard drives with many partitions. Alternatively the "Important places"
> pulldown includes "Storage media", and again a right click on the
> relevant item should allow you to sync & unmount.

That's the function I want but not the Interface, simply convenience issue 
since I don't use desktop icons at all - all kicker launchers and key 
shortcuts here. Well, I'll have a talk with the code people...

Version: 3.12
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