cloning drive

Greg Booth bootgr at
Tue Jul 10 12:14:38 UTC 2007

I think you'd have to use an ext3 partition, the fat32 partition won't
retain your uid:gid structure.

I've heard that when backing up, as long as your new uid:gid match
what was created originally (I think it's uid:1000 gid:1000) you'll be
fine on permissions. As far as I remember the ubuntu's have always
maintained the same uid:gid for the first user created ( normally
yours ) so you should be fine.

If not once created and recopied you can just do

sudo chown -R userid:groupid

to get back all your permissions on all the files in /home

On 7/10/07, Alessia <galette at> wrote:
> Hello
> I have the same problem in some way, I would to copy all my home
> (/home)partition to an external hard drive ( usb one) to migrate fron
> 6.10 to 7(festy). About this I have some question
> I have to set a specific etx3 partition in the external harddrive or can
> I leave the original filesystem (fat32)
> how can menage the permision issues when I'll re-copy the backuped /home
> in the newly installed Kubuntu Festy?
> I think I have to create the same user with the same password,but if I
> create  ext3 partition how handle the permissions when I backup the home?
> What will happen to kde or other programs config files (most of them are
> hidden files)that resides in /home?
> Thanks to all
> Alessia
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