cloning drive

Tim M southern.tim at
Fri Jul 6 02:18:36 UTC 2007

On 7/5/07, D. Michael McIntyre <michael.mcintyre at> wrote:
> On Thursday 05 July 2007, Greg Booth wrote:
> > Anyway with Linux you can copy files using cp and get the whole
> > operating system without having to worry about weird things like
> > registry files. It will look SOMETHING like this ( anyone else, please
> > jump in here I've never done this )
> >
> > sudo cp -R -P -p / <destination
> I've moved existing installations into new, bigger hard drives lots of
> times.
> I always use "cp -a" to do the copying.
> I don't know of a friendly, graphical way to do this.  I followed this the
> first time I had to solve this problem:
> I do some variation on that now, but I honestly can't remember how I do
> it.  I
> finally bought hard drives huge enough I haven't had to move in a long
> time.
> The main stupid thing to watch out for is recursion.  If you're copying /
> from
> here to /mnt/new_root then it's going to go nuts trying to make two copies
> of
> everything on the new hard drive (one under /mnt/new_root and one
> under /mnt/new_root/mnt/new_root.)

That is an extremely good article on hard drive upgrades. It is now
bookmarked. You mentioned recursion. Greg mentioned it also but wouldn't
using -R do just what you were writing about in your last paragraph? I see I
need to learn a LOT MORE! Thanks for the link and the interesting

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