Boot issues using multiple drives

Trevor tpankonien at
Thu Jul 5 20:10:50 UTC 2007

I would like someone to back me up on this, but you should be able to 
tweak your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to include a pointer to the other 
disc containing OSX.  I will do some looking and see if I can't get you 
some better info.

Jeff Yowell wrote:
> I am using Ubuntu on a Mac G4.  I have OSX installed on an SATA bus.   
> Then, I have Ubuntu installed on a disk on the machine's ATA bus.
> Ubuntu doesn't seem to want to find the SATA bus, and always goes  
> into Ubuntu regardless of how many times I reset the PRAM on the  
> machine.
> Has anyone else had experience with this?  How can I boot into OSX  
> when I have a linux disk on the system?
> Thanks
> jeff

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