All pop-up windows are full screen.

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Jan 31 17:21:06 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 30 January 2007 11:01, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Recently (after playing with Special Window Settings and Special
> Application Settings in Wine, to make Quicken's pop-up windows work), every
> single pop-up window produced in KDE is coming up full screen.
> So: password prompts from kdesu, file choosers, configure windows, etc,
> etc, etc.

Yeah.  It's a kwin feature that sounds good but isn't.

> So I went back to the "Configure Window Behaviour" options (right click on
> a title bar) and deleted any application settings, and still everything
> pops up maximized.
> Does anybody have a clue what I've done?

No.  When I reset it, it stopped.


Art Alexion

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