KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages
donn.ingle at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 06:53:11 UTC 2007
On Tuesday 30 January 2007 02:36, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Please don't CC me, it's rude. This is a _list_.
Didn't do it intentionally. I usually hit 'a' in kmail and it fills in the
fields. Anyway, didn't know 'CC' was rude.
> I didn't say that - but you asked that Ubuntu put up a disclaimer that
> would be untrue.
And I argued why I thought it was not untrue. Anyway it's a conversation and
nothing more. Cool down.
> So? You've unfavorably compared us to Windows. How would you get the
> latest Firefox on Windows? I haven't tried to get it myself - I'm prepared
> to wait for it to show up in Ubuntu - but if I want Firefox 2, I would like
> to bet that I can get a copy OFF THE SAME PAGE as the Windows download.
I have answered this question many times in this thread.
> _Everything_ that's available for Ubuntu is available in tarballs that can
> be installed on your system. ./configure; make; sudo make install. Done.
Sure, not the point.
> This is the usual anti-Linux argument. Set up a straw man comparing
> Windows and Linux, then show that Linux doesn't do something - invariably a
> closer analysis shows Windows doesn't either.
You need to chill. There's no need for aggression. I am not setting up
strawmen or being anti-linux, read the thread.
We have been asked not to continue this in kubuntu-users. I had to reply to
your post because I don't take well to off-the-cuff attacks. I won't post
here again.
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