Bry Paula Melvin
brymelvin at
Mon Jan 29 17:56:11 UTC 2007
On Sun, 2007-01-28 at 15:41 -0500, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Sunday 28 January 2007 12:46 pm, Harold Hartley wrote:
> > I wonder if anyone has setup Scribus on their system and can tell me
> > where and how I need to get the ICC color profiles. I even wonder if
> > they are really important enough for myself to be concern about it.
> > Can I run Scribus ok without the ICC color profile.
> I don't know anything about color management, but it looks like Google does.
> That looks like a good start getting background on the issue. Whether you need
> it or not, I expect if you don't know you need it, you probably don't need
> it.
> I haven't ever done more with Scribus than look at it briefly though.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre
There are numerous places to get icc profiles....often from the support
of the hardware manufacturer themselves.
profiles apply to all profile aware software.
If you have been using programs like GIMP successfully without profiles
You probably don't need them. If you have a problem getting your photos
graphics etc to come out like you want them color wise you probably do.
If you produce graphic art and outsource printing you should definitely
look into them.
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