KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 17:04:47 UTC 2007

> This is a new user, who hasn't made friends with his approach to this
> list
I was merely asking questions in order to learn. Making or losing friends was 
not the agenda. If I do not ask questions, even repeatedly until 
understanding dawns, then how can I learn? How can anyone? If the questions 
are in a tender area that draws flames, it becomes very tricky. Not my fault, 
but I am not a troll.

> , but he was confused by what the Long Term Support version of our 
> operating system offered in terms of long term support.  Perhaps we
> should take that away with us and work out whether this guy is just
> dim or whether these issues aren't made clear to new users.
Yes - please take that away and think on it. I really do feel that if Ubuntu 
want to draw users away from Windows that they *must* realize what they are 
up against. Here it is in one sentence: "I want to run any version of my apps 
on any version of the O/S I currently have". It is summed-up by 
saying, "users use apps not operating systems."

Now -- I am saying *IF* Gnu/Linux makes it impossible to do this *THEN* it 
should be spelled-out and quite apparent in all Ubuntu documentation. If it's 
not spelled-out, then many users (and I have experienced one personally and 
read many more on the forums) will leave in disgust and confusion. 

I am saying full disclosure; here are our skeletons, watch them dance!

That's all. 

And I am pretty dim, in a room of 60 watters I'm the dark spot.


> There is allot of /basic/ information about Linux which isn't handed
> to the new user on a plate when, in my opinion it should be.  Perhaps
> this is yet another example of this.
Yes - especially if Ubuntu is aiming at the Windows market.


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