mp3 to ogg

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Mon Jan 29 15:05:37 UTC 2007

On Monday 29 January 2007 09:29, O. Sinclair wrote:
>I need to convert an mp3 file to ogg format. Can I do that from terminal
>or is there a GUI of some kind?

I believe therte are mp3toraw converters, or mp3towav which would be 
essentially the same thing.  One could then make an ogg from that, but be 
aware that the quality loss in any such conversion will probably make the 
ogg very tiring to listen to.  Each throws away a different portion of 
the audio to achieve the compression, and when the losses are added up, 
the effect is very noticeable.

You would be far better off sonicly to locate the cd and re-rip it to the 
ogg format.  To me, using similarly sized output files at the higher 
quality settings, q7 for ogg, 192khz for the  mp3, the ogg clearly wins 
the listenability test here.

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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