Delete dialogue box

Nathan Eckenrode nathan at
Sun Jan 28 01:03:15 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007 06:45:43 am Donn wrote:
> > Save the following as
> > ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/deletenow.desktop (UNTESTED!!!)
> I see where you are going and I am not sure if that progress box does come
> up when one bypasses the recycle bin or not. I do this by SHIFT+DELETE
> anyway.
> It's funny, but ever since I first posted about this I have not seen that
> dialog box once :) Weird.
It won't help now, but there are dramatic changes planned for all dialogs in 
KDE4. Essentially it will be in a Kicker applet that allows you to check up 
on the progress of any action as necessary with out being an overbearing 
> /d

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