[kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Re: KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages

Vayu vayu at sklinks.com
Sat Jan 27 04:15:46 UTC 2007

My interpretation of long term support, is quite opposite of unchanging. 
I interpret it as meaning changes continue for a long term.

Regardless of interpretations, please note another user who would 
appreciate 3.5.6 on Dapper. Also please note: appreciate not expect is 
the word, thanks so much for all that you do.

I desire not to upgrade my whole system which takes me through many time 
consuming issues, but I would like to have available individual upgrades 
that do not affect my entire system all at once (if that makes sense).

For instance I tried to upgrade one machine to Edgy and it totally broke 
the entire install. I then installed fresh and it still took quite a bit 
of effort to get it to run properly as a stock install. I have not yet 
had the time to get it customized with my own individual settings, 
applications, printing, samba, multimedia, apache, MySQL, PHP, all my 
own programs, and way too numerous other things to recall.

My main desktop machine still has Dapper with all the above intact, yet 
I also enjoy KDE 3.5.5, Flash 9, etc...

My Windows XP install is going on 4 years untouched, but I still have 
relatively recent versions of most of my Apps.

My idea of stable is that the underlying base remains stable and I don't 
have to redo the whole system every 6 months. My idea of long term 
support is that I have that stable base but keep everything relatively 
up to date.

Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 06:03:41PM +0200, Donn wrote:
>>>> Anyone knows if there are plans of backporting to Dapper?
>>> I've no plans for that.  Dapper is for those who want a stable release
>>> not one with the latest packages.
>> What's so unstable about kde 3.5.6 ?
> Stable in my sentence above means unchanging.
> Jonathan

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