Why is updating so slow?

neil.linux neil.linux at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 26 03:44:13 UTC 2007

Homer wrote:
> Thanks for the comments.  One thing I'm sure of it is not the
> connection at my end.  Government lab with connections to the abilene
> backbone.  I wish I could choose my mirror with (K)ubuntu like I do on
> all my Debian installs.  With Debian I can pick a close university or
> gov lab on the Abilene network and the connection is always amazing.
> With (K)ubuntu you get what you get.  Maybe I'm wrong on this though,
> as I can't claim to have done an exhaustive search on ubuntu mirrors.
If you have a mirror in mind and it has the repositories you need why no 
just edit  /etc/apt/sources.list and change the url to the mirror?

This is assuming that you have root access to your machine and that 
their are no firewalls blocking access to the mirror ftp site.

I've done this so I can access my ISPs mirror of the (k)ubuntu 
repositories and get good bandwidth speeds and am not charged for the 

Neil B
Melbourne, Australia

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