
Garry Knight garryknight at gmx.net
Thu Jan 25 21:15:34 UTC 2007

Alain Muls wrote:

> Since I started kontact, I am no longer able to open korganizer without
> opening kontact. How can I restore this?

You could just click the icon in the notification area at the right-hand end
of your kicker bar - the one that looks like a calendar page with a
handbell overlaid on it.

Or you could press Alt+F2 to open a Run Command dialog and
enter "/usr/bin/korganizer" (without the quotes).

Or you could right-click the desktop and select Create New/Link to
Application. Change the name on the General tab to Korganizer and click the
icon then select the default Korganizer one (Enter 'korg' in the Search box
to find it. On the Application tab, enter "/usr/bin/korganizer" (without
the quotes) and anything you like for the Comment and Description. Press OK
and you have a new icon on your desk.

You could set up an entry on the menu for Korganizer by right-cliking the
menu icon and selecting Menu Editor. Add a new entry using the same
parameters you would use to set up the desktop icon.

Once you've set up a menu icon, you can add it to the Kicker bar by
right-clicking the Kicker, selecting Panel Menu, Add Application To Panel,
and navigating to the menu item.

There are probably other ways, but those should keep you busy for a
while.  :-)

Garry Knight
garryknight at gmx.net

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