"Key switches keyboard layout while pressed" -- how?

Urtzi Jauregi urtzi at fmf.uni-lj.si
Thu Jan 25 11:46:00 UTC 2007

On Thursday 25 January 2007 12:34, you wrote:
> > 	Thank you for your help, but I was looking for a way to do it via KDE.
> > Besides, I use OpenOffice often, and it looks like the method you suggest
> > clashes with it.
> Hi, I am not sure what you mean by "do it via KDE" -- I am sure I
> misunderstand you.

	With "do it via KDE" I mean that temporary layout switches should work just 
checking the approppriate checkbox in the KDE Control Center -> Regional & 
Language -> Keyboard Layout -> Xkb Options. They don't and that bugs me (pun 

> The xmodmap is no different from any other Linux 
> command -- I think it's related to X Windows itself which KDE sits on top
> of! Put it on the end of your ~/.bash_profile and forget about it.
> I have also just tested it in OOO Writer 2.0.2 and it works fine. Really,
> it's a dead-easy and great solution.

I might have done something wrong, but it's not working for me . . .

	Thank you for your time anyway!

	- Urtzi -

Urtzi Jauregi
Fakulteta za Matematiko in Fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani
Jadranska 19, Si-1000 Ljubljana

Tel: ++386 01 540 13 53
e-mail: urtzi at fmf.uni-lj.si

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