Delete dialogue box

Scott Mazur kubuntulists at
Wed Jan 24 21:15:31 UTC 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 19:09:34 +0200, Donn wrote
> Yo.
> When you delete stuff in KDE, that dialogue box opens and takes a 
> bunch of seconds to draw and then go away again. Is there any way to 
> tell KDE to not show the box? Just delete. Zip. Gone. Don't tell me 
> about it, I know -- I pressed delete. :)

Open Konqueror, go to Settings->Configure Konqueror.  In the 'Behaviour'
section (which you should see by default), there's an area 'Ask Confirmation
For'.  Just uncheck the 'Delete' option.

At least that's where it is in the older version of KDE I'm on now.  I believe
it's still the same in newer versions.


Registered Linux user #395249,
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