Cannot burn DVD with k3b

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Tue Jan 23 04:44:12 UTC 2007

On Monday 22 January 2007 13:32, Bry Paula Melvin wrote:
> That said have you tried NEROLINUX it is a proprietary solution but has
> a free trial. AFIK it doesn't need GNOME just GTK.

I hate the clunky nerolinux interface, but I must say that it has burned some 
video dvds that k3b/nerolinux choked on.  I was never able to isolate what 
distinguished the problematic VIDEO_TS structures, but it worked.

Side question as we discuss alternate software, is there any reason to install 
and use k9copy?  Does it do anything that k3b can't?  Does it do something 
that both do, but better than k3b?

Art Alexion

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