Firefox 2 on Dapper

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Jan 17 14:58:43 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 17 January 2007 06:00, Donn wrote:
> > > So, it's really a result of the rapid change of Linux apps, this
> > > synching problem between libraries and apps?
> >
> > It happens with Windows as well.  Search a windows computer for a common
> > DLL and you'll find many copies of identical and different versions.
> > Improvements mean new versions.
> Yeah, but then why does new software (largely) run on old versions of
> Windows and not on older versions of Linux, I mean if the same happens on
> Windows?

Donn, from some of your posts on other topics, I can tell that you are more 
sophisticated than this.  People try to answer your questions and explain 
this to you and after getting answers you revert to your older questions that 
people already answered.  I think you are perhaps trying to tease us?


Art Alexion

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