Firefox 2 on Dapper

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Wed Jan 17 14:30:25 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 16 January 2007 21:11, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> At least one of these is going to break binary compatibility with 2/3 of
> the packages on your system, because some funky library is built in a way
> that doesn't allow concurrent installations of version X and version Y of
> the lib, so to install the next version of some dependency five layers
> down, you've got to rebuild 700 tarballs to keep everything working.

You forgot to mention that sometimes a dependency just won't install because 
it conflicts with a library or other dependency of other apps already 
installled.  It is not just a matter of finding the dependencies, but also 
making sure they are compatible with existing software.

Unlike apt, RPMs, though binary often presented this problem.

The nice thing, Donn, is that the "big apps" like Firefox and OpenOffice, are 
usually self contained and can be installed in /opt without worrying about 

Art Alexion

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