Firefox 2 on Dapper

Donn donn.ingle at
Tue Jan 16 17:42:34 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 16 January 2007 19:07, Olivier Picquenot wrote:
> New software versions can run on an older linux, but it might require a
> little more work, because of underlying libraries changes.
So, the reason that new stuff does not run easily is because what? It's too 
hard to do? It's too much work?

I get the feeling that Linux is steaming forward very quickly and every 
version seems to throw support for older versions overboard.

> The question is more like this: why do you need a newer version of
> Firefox ? 
Why would I want a new version of anything? For new features. For bug fixes. 
For better performance. Really, it's not a mystery.

> Isn't the one included in dapper fine ? I know it's fine for 
> me, and if it wasn't , I'd investigate moving to edgy. And I know that
> having automatic security fixes from ubuntu is important to me.
Yes automatic fixes is also important to me. No, I don't see why I must move 
to a whole new distro (that won't upgrade properly and usually forces me to 
do a wipe and re-install and then re-customize despite all the talk of 
leaving /home on another partition) just to be able to use the latest apps. 

Remember - I'm not flaming. I love Linux. I accept the situation. I am simply 
trying to understand so that I can explain it to others too!



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