Dual Boot Ubuntu & Kubuntu

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 17:35:33 UTC 2007

On Sunday 14 January 2007 19:24, Donald Iddings wrote:
> thanks all for the feedback. In the Synaptic Package Manager what is the
> difference between "KDE Desktop Environment" & "Kubutu-Desktop"
It's amazing how much stuff I kinda-sorta-know-but-can't-really-swear-on-it :D
Okay -- the one you want is "Kubuntu-Desktop" it has rules and stuff (i.e. I 
don't know) that makes it perform a proper Kubuntu install.
If you just install the KDE one then you get only KDE. You won't get all the 
other stuff that "comes with" Kubuntu. Sometimes that can be a good thing, 
depending on your Internet speed etc, but I don't know if it will setup all 
the user-friendly stuff that Kubuntu gives you. It might force you into 
dependency hell, which is a lousy place to spend the day!



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