frustrations w/ usb drive being mounted read only

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Thu Jan 11 14:48:57 UTC 2007


I am currently running Edgy and it appears that maybe since a recent
update my USB drive is being mounted read only or is changing in the midst
of using it to read only.
Let me explain, if you recall earlier I started a thread about my 120 Gig
USB drive and the lsit helped me format it in vfat.
SO I am trying to run some VMs off it and it seems in 4/5 reboots my USB
drive is mounted read only if I have plugged in upon restart.  Also it is
"randomly" becoming read only in the midst of operations.
Is the file system that I picked causing the problems?  Should I have
picked something better like ext3 or something?

Any help on why a drive would suddenly become read only?

Jonathan Jesse

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