Annoying reappearance of bookmarks toolbar in Konqueror

Jeffrey Barish jeff_barish at
Thu Jan 11 14:40:21 UTC 2007

Donatas G. wrote:

> I don't like to have Konqueror window cluttered with unimportant things,
> So I turn of the display of bookmarks toolbar. However, it constantly
> reappears. It happens in both the file browser and web browser profiles.
> Is this a bug? Is there a way to end with that?

I posted a message a few weeks ago about the opposite problem: I want the
bookmarks toolbar always to appear but it constantly disappears.  Do a
search for that thread to see whether your situation is the same.  I
believe that there is a bug in the way Konqueror stores its configuration
when KDE shuts down.
Jeffrey Barish

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