Edgy/MySQL hell

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Jan 10 01:40:15 UTC 2007

Daniel Axtell wrote:

>>> I've never had this much difficulty running MySQL on many different
>>> Linux distributions, so I'm concluding Edgy just isn't fit for
>>> work.  Does anyone know of any workarounds?
>> How do you expect help with that kind of attitude?

> Oh, I didn't realize that spending hours struggling to get the most
> popular open source database working on a stock installation was supposed
> to make me prefer Kubuntu to every other distribution I've tried or used

I haven't said it should.  However, asking for help, while giving details of
the problem, is sure to get more helpful responses than saying "edgy just
isn't fit for work", which is completely incorrect _and_ annoying.

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