Edgy/MySQL hell

Daniel Axtell dan_axtell at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 16:26:38 UTC 2007

I'm trying to set up a new Edgy AMD-64 system as my main development box, and MySQL is killing me.
 The story so far:
 tried MySQL 5.0.24a-9 from Adept, but the server crashes.  Submitted a bug report.
 4.1 won't install
 Downloaded the dynamic binary from MySQL, but won't run because of libstdc++ 5/6 incompatibilities
 Dowloaded static 5.0 binaries from MySQL, runs, but here's the dilemma
 - copied all my MySQL data into /home/mysql with correct permissions.  I don't want data in /var/lib or /usr/local/mysql as I want all my data on different partition than the system stuff come upgrade time.
 - edited /etc/mysql/my.conf to reflect the fact that MySQL is now in /usr/local/mysql and data is in /home/mysql.  Looked around in /usr/local/mysql for anything that similar and edited it. 
 - running /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe always looks for data in /usr/local/mysql/data, so configuration files appear to be ignored.  
 - try to force the issue by using mysqld_safe --user=mysql --datadir=/home/mysql   Logging onto server allows me to connect to my databases, show the tables, but I can't select anything: I get error 1146 (42S02) Table doesn't exist.
 I've never had this much difficulty running MySQL on many different Linux distributions, so I'm concluding Edgy just isn't fit for work.  Does anyone know of any workarounds?

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